Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Next up: Cliff Proton in August

Our Colonel Nickels play was a great success. By the time we did our last show in Irving, all the cues were being hit right - everyone was sounding good - and the energy was perfect.

It's going to be a little bit of time before we launch our next show:

Cliff Proton and the Planet of Luuuuv! (Bow Chicka Bow Wow).

The plan is to hold auditions (if we have open auditions) at the end of July.

The performance dates will be August 24th at the Arlington Museum of Art (which ought to be fully re-opened by then), August 25th at the Grapevine Library (they enjoyed having us last time, and we enjoyed performing there), August 26th at the ICT Studio in Irving, and maybe one more performance the following week. I have to figure out where.

The basic story is that Cliff is buried under in paperwork and decides that maybe it would be good to go on a simple date. He starts by asking Space Ranger Sarah out, but before he knows it, he gets more than he bargained for, and is trapped (T R A P P E D) on the Planet of Luuuuuv (Bow Chicka Bow Wow).