in cooperation with the Arlington Museum of Art
Written and Directed by Richard Frohlich
SATURDAY August 26th starting at 10:00am
Arlington Museum of Art
201 West Main Street, Arlington Texas
An appointment is necessary.
Contact us via email (PREFERRED) with the subject line "Whisper Audition"
Times and Dates subject to change
Tuesday September 5th - Rehearsal 7:30pm - AMA (the Arlington Museum of Art)
Thursday September 7th - Rehearsal 7:30pm - AMA
Tuesday September 12th - Rehearsal 7:30pm - AMA
Thursday September 14th - Run-through / Dress Rehearsal 7:30pm - AMA
We have so few rehearsals, that we must require the attendance of ALL of them -
unless special arrangements or considerations are discussed and agreed upon ahead of time.
FRIDAY September 15th - call 6:00pm - AMA (the Arlington Museum of Art)
(additional performances to be announced)
Cast and crew are voluntary. A recording of the performance will be provided. Audition sides will be available soon on our audition webpage (see below). Please bring acting resume. Headshots are optional. For more information please visit our audition page:
Casting for at least 3 men and 2 women playing multiple roles. We are also looking for people interested in sound effects and other areas of production.
The Whisper/Kendra King - (30s) history professor at Ivy University with a unique ability to fight corruption and right wrongs.
Conrad Gallagher - (20s)nerdy wanna-be Super Hero sidekick, knows Kendra’s secret and helps her whether she likes it or not.
Mr. Herbert Cartwright (50s)- a man who attempts to escape the evil he’s done by faking his death.
Other cast to be posted. Some characters to be doubled with main characters
Weekly broadcasts on KNTU are temporarily on hold. In the meantime we will try to beef up our podcasts.
An action-mystery audio play with a full cast and sound effects. Kedra King, a history professor at Ivy University, uses a remarkable ability to leave her physical body becoming The Whisper: an unseen and powerful threat to criminals and lawbreakers. In this episode she meets the spirit of Herbert Cartwright as he’s undergoing a procedure that would fake and confirm his own death. Normally, the Whisper would attempt to expose him, however due to their unusual meeting, he may now know her true identity. An adventure designed to stimulate your imagination.
As you may know, radio theatre is unique. Although you will not be required to memorize a script, your talents must go far beyond the simple task of a dramatic reading. You will be expected to develop your character so that you have a clear image of how he or she fits into the story we are telling.
If you’re selected, you will be charged with the task of helping us paint an imaginary picture. Using words music and sounds, we must provide an environment into which the listener can enter through the power of imagination. Critical to our success is the use of sound effects. Unlike other forms of theatre, ours demands that actors understand and study the timing needed to blend in with the supporting sound effects.